Body: All axles must be inserted into a singular piece of pine. The block may be shaped in any way that is desired. Pine car bodies are available for purchase from The Model Box in Hoover and Homewood Toy & Hobby as well as Michael's, Hobby Lobby, and numerous online retailers, such as and

Build New: The cars must be built within the last 12 months. Participants must not race a car that has been raced in prior years.

Built by Youth: Cars must be built, to the extent possible, by the Trailman and American Heritage Girls and not by his or her parents.

One Car: Each participant may enter one car.

Add-Ons: Other materials such as plastic, metal, toy drivers, lights, etc. may be added to the original block but must be firmly affixed to the car and must only be used for visual enhancement and must in no way assist in propelling the car.

Dimensions: The overall length of the car must not exceed 7 inches, width must not exceed 2 ¾ inches, and the height must not exceed 4 inches.

Weight: The car must not exceed 5.0 ounces. The official race scale that is used at car check-in will be considered final. All weight must be securely fastened to the car.

Wheels: Wheels must be at least 3/8" wide and 1 1/16" tall. Only dry lubricants such as graphite or powdered Teflon "white lube" will be allowed for lubricating the wheels.

Vehicle Numbers: Racers may incorporate any number - or none at all - into their car’s design. An official race number will be assigned upon check-in and numeric decals applied to uniquely identify each car.

Other Race Rules: The car must be strictly gravity-powered and may not be constructed in such a manner that the track's starting mechanism imparts momentum to the car. Once a car passes inspection and is entered into the race, only Race Marshals may touch it. Each car must pass inspection by the official inspection committee before it will be allowed to compete.


Parents are invited to build and enter a car in the Family subgroup.

Nonconformity: Cars not conforming to each of these rules will be excluded from winning speed-based prizes.

Outlaw Class

There will be an Outlaw class for participants who wish to stretch the rules to build a faster car. The rules for the Outlaw Class are as follows:

Outlaw cars will not be eligible for the event championship.